February 17 at 6:30PM
North Central College Wentz Science Center, Room 101
131 S Loomis St, Naperville, IL


Argonne National Lab Energy Researchers
Dr. Guenter Conzelmann and Dr. Henry Huang will present “Modernizing the Grid”

Dr. Huang
Dr. Henry Huang is director of the Energy Systems and Infrastructure Analysis Division at Argonne. He leads an organization devoted to developing and using analytic tools and technologies to help decision makers lead the transition to efficient, clean, renewable energy and ensure a robust and secure U.S. grid transmission and distribution system.

Dr. Conzelmann
Guenter Conzelmann is a senior energy and environmental analyst in Argonne National Laboratory’s Energy Systems and Infrastructure Analysis division. His research over the last 30 years has focused on the development and application of modeling and simulation tools to study strategic energy, environmental, and power sector issues, including renewable energy integration, smart grid and microgrid analysis, advanced grid modeling, hydrogen infrastructure analysis, agent-based modeling of power markets and global materials markets, and energy sector resilience to extreme events.


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