Naperville’s Coal Problem

The March NEST Community Meeting featured presentations by Professor Paul Bloom of North Central College, Maureen Stillman from the NEST Energy Committee, Christine Nannicelli from Sierra Club Beyond Coal, and Scott Buckley from the Citizens Utility Board.

Please join us in calling for the following:

  • No early renewal of the IMEA contract
  • Public hearings, integrated resource planning, and a plan for energy transition as part of the process in securing our next energy contract

What we can do:

  • Speak at City Council meetings, asking City Council to vote “no” on the early contract extension proposal
  • Write letters to City Council urging them to vote “no” on the IMEA extension
  • Enlist others to join our cause

Opening up the process to competitive bids will result in a more fiscally responsible energy plan for Naperville residents and business in addition to helping our city become a leader in renewable, sustainable energy.

To see the slides presented at the March NEST meeting, click here.